





そこで、日本の若者有志は、若者の声を社会へしっかりと届けるための窓口として、「日本若者協議会」を設立します。本会は、欧州各国等で見られる「若者協議会(youth parliament/youth council)」をモデルに、若者の団体や個人が政党や政府へ直接声を届けるための仕組み作りを行います。

団体名 一般社団法人日本若者協議会 (英文名:JYC 又は Japan Youth Conference)
代表理事 室橋 祐貴
設立 2015年11月
事務所所在地 東京都、関西支部、関東支部、東海支部、東北支部、北海道支部
事業内容 若者(39歳以下)の意見を集約、政党・政府に対して政策提言。
主要提言先 自由民主党、公明党、立憲民主党、国民民主党、日本維新の会、日本共産党。政府、地方自治体。



2023年度事業報告→ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QwqlLwJ2nUI2Q1XQCNxt5z6Gu7anC6g9/view?usp=sharing

In a country with a significantly aging population and low voting rates among the youth, the Japan Youth Council (JYC) plays a crucial role in amplifying the voices of the youth in Japanese society and political arena. Since its foundation in 2015, the JYC addresses the challenges young people face in expressing their opinions and uniting for common causes due to their limited presence in special interest groups. Inspired by youth parliaments and councils in Europe and other regions, the JYC serves as a platform for youth organizations and individuals to directly communicate their perspectives to political parties and government bodies.

The JYC operates through six working groups focusing on diverse topics, including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and youth participation in democracy. We draft and submit policy proposals to relevant political stakeholders and actively monitor their progress. Additionally, we organize numerous events that facilitate political engagement and education for young people in Japan.